We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.

For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.

We aim to maintain very effective home/school communication, so that we can work in partnership for the best education for the children in our care.  The principal and the teachers are always happy to meet with parents to discuss any issues which may be of concern.

We have:

  • A fortnightly newsletter including calendar dates of upcoming events
  • A fortnightly calendar newsletter
  • Parent/teacher interviews including “Get-to-know-you” meetings between parents and teachers at the start of each year.
  • Parent information evenings
  • Assemblies and special presentations
  • Educational get-togethers which focus on topics that will affect your child’s learning eg. English and Mathematics Forums
  • Online School Calendar  attached to Compass
  • Compass app for all notifications and reminders

We are truly blessed by a committed and effective P&F Association here at St Fiacre’s who work with us to provide resources for quality learning experiences for our children and to develop a strong sense of belonging and connectedness in our community. The parents and friends of St Fiacre’s meet once a term.  

Our Class Parent network complements the role of the P&F Association, drawing parents more fully into the school community. It consists of two parents per grade whose role is to support community building within and across the grades including social events and extending hospitality and care to those joining our community or those who might need extra support in times of need. The Class Parent Network has a strong pastoral dimension with the Class Parents acting as a support to the teacher, parents, and any new families in the class.

We encourage all of our families to support the P&F and its activities as one important opportunity for promoting parent engagement within the school community.

Another aspect of parent engagement is our Dads in School Program. Fathers or significant father figures in the lives of our children are invited into our school once a month to spend time with our children before the school day. Our children love participating in a variety of activities with our dads, such as soccer, basketball, paper plane making, and cards.

2025 School Year
Term 1
Friday 31 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April – Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July –  Friday 26 September
Term 4
Monday 13 October – Friday 19 December 2025
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2026 School Year
Term 1
Tuesday 27 January – Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April – Friday 3 July
Term 3
Monday 20 July –  Friday 25 September
Term 4
Monday 12 October – Thursday 17 December 2026
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2027 School Year
Term 1
Thursday 28 January – Friday 9 April
Term 2
Monday 26 April – Friday 2 July
Term 3
Monday 19 July –  Friday 24 September
Term 4
Monday 11 October – Monday 20 December 2027
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.